Swathi Reddy first appeared in Tamil movie "Supramaniapuram" at 2008 like a little girl, who appeared only homely roles. She is gorgeous actress in south Indian cinemas.
Now, She is grown-up girl and take to glamorous role too. Recently, Swathi Reddy appeared in Tamil Movie "Itharkuthaane Aasaipattaai Balakumara!".
Swathi reddy paired with Tamil Actor Jai for "Vadakari" Tamil movie. Vadakari team released there movie posters at sep 2013. The movie waiting to release for theatre unavaiable.
This movie directed by Tamil leading director Venkat Prabhu's assistant Saravanan Rajan. Produced by Dhayanithi Azhagiri and camera man is S.Vengadesh.
Swathi reddy expects this movie to be Her turning point in Tamil Cinema.