Bollywood movie Welcome, Akshay Kumar, Katrina Kaif, Nana Patekar, Anil Kapoor, Feroz Khan, Paresh Rawal and Mallika Sehrawat had the lead roles. 'Welcome 2' Akshay Kumar, John Abraham to play a role. 'Welcome' 2nd place in the universe Arora Mallika Sehrawat is selected for discussion.
Asin in her cinematic career, Salman Khan, Aamir Khan, Ajay Devgan and Akshay Kumar has worked with such actors is much larger than their age. Asin said that actors my age does not matter. Enjoyed working with him in, because get to learn a lot from him.
Asin said that the young generation is also working with the Salman makes me feel better. He loves me to be an actress. She is portrayed in movies all the rolls have all enjoyed. I love those movies which I liked comes in to work.
In the year 2008 released film 'Ghajini ' to debut in Bollywood Asin ' Ready ', 'Force ', ' Sportsman 786, ' 'London Dreams' and 'Bol Bachchan ' has worked in films like. He is well-known actress Asin South Indian films Tamil - Telugu and Malayalam films have worked in.