Amala Paul wonderful young actress in South India. She become a known actress after Tamil Film "Myna". Before "Myna", She was appeared like "B"grade movies like "Sinthu Samaveli". Her role in this movie, who loved her Husband's own Father.
Amala Paul after finished her higher school education, She planned leave a year free and join a engineering course. But, She joined a BA Degree in Communicative English in St.Terasa college. She did some modelling related works too. In 2009, Malayalam director Lal Jose offered to her a supporting actress in his film "Neelathamara", who was attracted by Amala Paul's modelling work. After She tried to act in tamil movies and she got a chance.
Amala Paul's first Tamil movie "Vikadakavi" was dropped by production problems. Hereafter, She appeared another Tamil movie "Veerasekaran", which was low-budget and panned by critics and completely unnoticed by Tamil peoples.