Sri Divya started her career at the age of three. Almost ten Telugu films as a child actor in the role. She has acted in Telugu TV serials. Ravi Babu, a Telugu film directed by "Manacara" movie in 2010, Divya debut as heroine. But the movie failed. "Bus stop" movie in 2012 after co-starring with Prince in the film directed by Maruti. It was successful. After Sri Divya "Varuttha Padhatha Valibar Sangam" in the film as a heroine with Siva Karthikeyan her Tamil cine industry debut. The performance is very good reviews by critics. Now, She doing "Pencil", a film starring the composer has G.V.Prakash and "Khaki Sattai" and "Vellaikara Durai" is the Tamil films.
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Sri Divya started her career at the age of three. Almost ten Telugu films as a child actor in the role. She has acted in Telugu TV serials. Ravi Babu, a Telugu film directed by "Manacara" movie in 2010, Divya debut as heroine. But the movie failed. "Bus stop" movie in 2012 after co-starring with Prince in the film directed by Maruti. It was successful. After Sri Divya "Varuttha Padhatha Valibar Sangam" in the film as a heroine with Siva Karthikeyan her Tamil cine industry debut. The performance is very good reviews by critics. Now, She doing "Pencil", a film starring the composer has G.V.Prakash and "Khaki Sattai" and "Vellaikara Durai" is the Tamil films.