Amala Paul went to work with Tamil director samy's Sindhu samaveli which was have more controversial. Her role in this movie, who have a illegal relationship with her father-in-law. She was upset to heard of bad and controversial reviews of this movie.
In 2010, Amala Paul's Fourth romantic drama Tamil movie Mynaa was released and It become a superhit. Amala Paul role in this movie, a school girl who love with a childhood friend. The film gained her recognition from cinefield and everyone praised for acting talent.
Amala Paul next sign a Tamil movie "Deiva Thirumagal" alongside with Tamil leading actor Vikram and actress Anushka. It was average hit of the box office.
South Indian Actress Amala Paul recently work with Tamil leading actor "Vijay", movie named "Thalaivaa". The movie banned by unknown reasons. Some magazines says Tamilnadu Govt. behind this ban. Amala Paul really happy work with vijay, but this film not helped Her carrier. Because, the movie near to flop.