Anushka Shetty one of the most wanted actress in Telugu Cinema. She was appear paired with all top actors of Telugu Cinema. She introduced in Tamil cinema in 2006 for movie "Irandu" and She never got a chance before 2010. But, She got a chance after Her Superhit telugu movie "Arunthathi", Which movie praised for Her acting. Recently, She complete Her upcoming Tamil movie "Irandam Ulagam".
In 2007, Anushka Shetty's movie "Lakshyam" has a biggest hit. Once again, She paired with Telugu leading actor Nagarjuna for Telugu movie "Don", Which was directed by Raghava Lawrence and which has a average hit.
Anushka appeared in average hit Tamil movie "Vaanam" in 2011, alongside with Tamil leading actor Shimbu, Bharath, Prakash Raj, Sandhanam, Sonia Agarwal.