Kajal agarwal hot scene from some Telugu movie. She is first row actress in Tamil & Telugu Cinema Field and upcoming actress in Bollywood. She start her career with flop movies and she rise after Telugu super hit movie "Mahatheera".
Kajal Aggarwal born june 19,1985 in Mumbai to Vinay aggarwal and Suman Aggarwal. She has younger sister Nisha Agarwal, Who appeared some south movies with Kajal Influence. She have a degree in Mass Media from K.C. College, Mumbai. She Start her carrier as a model, when She was still studied. After She was decided to do Master of Business Administration in Brand Management.
Then, Kajal Aggarwal start her carrier as a Movie actress in 2004 bollywood movie "Kyun...! Ho Gaya Na" and her did supporting role. Her next film in Tamil language "Pommalattam", opposite Arjun and director by Bharathiraja. This film released after severe delay and box office failure.Kajal Aggarwal was a bad luck actress after this movie, which was severe flop and has bad reviews.
In 2009, Kajal appeared in Telugu Super hit movie "Magadheera", Which movie made her carrier high. She appeared many India movies and TV commercials. Her younger Sister Nisha aggarwal will marriage in next month. She planned to marriage after four marriage. Because she have good market value in cinema field.