South Actress Anjali Hot & spicy actress. She mostly did glamour roles and some performing roles. She was appeared in "Karunkali" movie in Her early peried so hot. This movie released after She become a known actress. This movie like a "B"grade movie, but it was called "Family Entertainer" by Anjali and Director Kalachiyam.
In 2006, Anjali made her dubut in Telgu triller movie "Photo" alongside with necomers, Bhanu and Anand. In 2007, She appeared in Telugu romance movie "Premalekha Raasa" as a female lead actress. Both films become a box offisand has bad reviews.
Anjali made her Tamil movie debut, Tamil newcomer director Ram's Katrathu Thamizh opposite Jiiva, which was a good review but a commercially flop.